Gravity Ventilation

Gravity ventilation utilizes the natural phenomenon of convection to ensure effective air circulation and cooling within transformer stations. By incorporating intake vents at the base and exhaust vents at the roof, this system provides optimal airflow, dissipates significant amounts of heat from cooled equipment, and regulates internal humidity to prevent water condensation.

This method eliminates the need for cooling fans or air conditioning units, which not only reduces the station’s energy consumption but also decreases noise levels. Gravity ventilation ensures high reliability since it operates independently of the station’s power supply, maintaining optimal internal conditions even during extended power outages. It requires less frequent maintenance compared to forced ventilation systems and lacks mechanical components that need periodic repairs or replacements.

Stacje transformatorowe - wentylacja grawitacyjna
wentylacja mechaniczna(wymuszona) w stacjach transformatorowych ELQ

Mechanical Ventilation (Forced Ventilation)

For high-power transformer stations that are housed in compact enclosures, mechanical ventilation is employed to ensure optimal operating conditions for all electrical devices, especially transformers. Our team designs these systems based on thermal parameters, the arrangement of equipment, airflow direction, and the impact of solar heating.

We consider all thermal aspects to ensure long-term, reliable operation. This includes device placement, ventilation openings, fan locations, fan parameters (power, efficiency), and control systems that optimize fan operation while monitoring and reporting data to central systems. Our goal is to provide optimal working conditions for all electrical equipment.

Fire-Resistant Enclosures

Upon customer request, transformer station enclosures or specific walls and roofs can be constructed with enhanced fire resistance in terms of load-bearing capacity, impermeability, and fire insulation, as per the REI classification. Depending on individual project requirements and the selection of specialized equipment, we can provide fire resistance classes from REI 30 to REI 240 for both gravity and mechanical ventilation systems.

Specialized equipment allows us to achieve fire resistance even with ventilated walls. We offer thin and thick-walled versions for cable basements or foundation-mounted stations, adapting to project needs while ensuring safety and reliability. Our solutions support optimal investment space arrangement while meeting the highest standards.

Remote Control, Visualization, and Notification Systems

We prioritize reliability, ease of operation, and optimal performance of transformer stations. Therefore, we offer advanced systems for remote control, parameter visualization, and event notification.


Our systems integrate with both our own and external SCADA and BMS systems through standardized communication protocols, meeting industry standards. They also comply with network operator requirements for renewable energy installations, enabling smooth power regulation without disconnecting the farm using medium-voltage equipment. Integration with PV panel monitoring systems allows our stations to serve as a management hub for entire PV farms, providing full control over distributed installations.

Transformer Stations on Foundation Supports

Our innovative transformer station designs include an integrated oil sump with the station’s self-supporting structure, allowing for installation on specially designed and prefabricated foundation supports rather than cable basements. This unique solution reduces the weight of components delivered to the site, which is crucial for installation in hard-to-reach areas.

The foundation support design is resistant to precipitation and groundwater, eliminating the risk of flooding and water damage to station equipment. It also allows flexible cable routing during installation and future expansion. This solution enhances durability, resilience to adverse soil conditions, and complete sealing throughout the station’s lifespan. Relocating the station in the future is easier and more cost-effective. Our approach adapts to various soil conditions, supporting projects with diverse location requirements while minimizing environmental impact.

Posadowienie stacji transformatorowej na stopach fundamentowych
Misa olejowa w obudowie stacji transformatorowej ELQ

Integrated Oil Sump with Station Enclosure

At ELQ, we emphasize safety and environmental protection with modern, functional infrastructure solutions. Our integrated oil sump within the transformer station enclosure ensures effective protection against leaks, minimizing environmental contamination risks.

The oil sump, prefabricated as part of the station’s production, guarantees maximum tightness, preventing oil release in case of transformer leaks. This innovative design also prevents water accumulation by separating the sump from the ground and water sources. It optimizes space utilization, reduces additional safety costs, and simplifies device servicing, providing both environmental protection and economic efficiency.


W ELQ doskonale rozumiemy znaczenie niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa w zarządzaniu infrastrukturą elektroenergetyczną. Dlatego w naszej ofercie znajdują się duże stacje transformatorowe z wentylacją bierną, które łączą nowoczesne technologie z prostotą i efektywnością działania.

Wentylacja bierna to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które polega na naturalnym przepływie powietrza przez konstrukcję stacji, bez konieczności stosowania mechanicznych systemów wentylacyjnych. Dzięki temu możliwe jest skuteczne chłodzenie urządzeń wewnątrz stacji transformatorowej przy minimalnych kosztach eksploatacji. Brak mechanicznych elementów wentylacyjnych oznacza również mniejszą potrzebę konserwacji, co przekłada się na niższe koszty utrzymania i większą niezawodność działania.

Duże stacje z wentylacją bierną są zaprojektowane z myślą o maksymalizacji wydajności chłodzenia przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu najwyższych standardów bezpieczeństwa. Struktura stacji oraz starannie dobrane materiały i komponenty zapewniają optymalne warunki pracy urządzeń nawet w najtrudniejszych warunkach atmosferycznych. Dodatkowo, wentylacja bierna minimalizuje ryzyko wystąpienia awarii związanych z systemami mechanicznymi, co czyni nasze rozwiązania idealnymi do zastosowania w kluczowych punktach sieci energetycznej.

Wentylacja bierna w stacjach transformatorowych ELQ
Cienkie obudowy betonowe w stacjach transformatorowych ELQ

Thin-Walled Concrete Enclosures

Our thin-walled concrete enclosures offer a superior alternative to traditional constructions, combining the durability of conventional materials with innovative production technology. These enclosures provide exceptional strength against mechanical stresses and weather conditions while maintaining a smaller wall thickness.

Thin-walled concrete enclosures facilitate transport and installation due to their reduced weight, lowering foundation costs and ground load. They are corrosion-resistant and require minimal maintenance, resulting in long-term savings. Our approach aligns with environmental responsibility by minimizing material and energy consumption during production.