We are one of the largest construction groups specializing in photovoltaic farm development in Poland, operating under the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) model for the most demanding investors worldwide. Our commitment covers the full scope of activities, including:

  • Updating project documentation,
  • Designing and manufacturing transformer stations,
  • Constructing photovoltaic farms,
  • Performing energy connections, measurements, and commissioning,
  • Providing comprehensive O&M (Operations & Maintenance) services.

We employ experienced construction managers, site inspectors, and project managers, ensuring professional project management and execution. By collaborating with business partners, we can deploy 450 qualified workers for the most demanding projects.

Budowa farm PV - generalny wykonawca

Our human and technical resources enable us to commission nearly 300 MW of new capacity annually in Poland. We also possess modern equipment and specialized tools necessary for executing complex investments. We work with renowned design offices that prepare construction and execution projects for us. We are in the process of launching new construction teams to start implementing photovoltaic farms outside Poland from 2025 onwards.

Our priority is the highest quality at every stage of project execution. We handle projects involving the comprehensive construction and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants of various scales and levels of complexity. Each project is approached individually, responding to the needs of our customers and investors. We handle replacement construction projects, manage formalities, select the best components, build and commission the entire installation. After construction and commissioning, we also provide service for the operation and maintenance of the facility.

The investment involving the construction of a photovoltaic farm is divided into six main stages:

I. Site Selection

The location must allow for the installation of PV systems and their connection by the local utility company. It is crucial to obtain information on whether the municipality has a Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development Study or a Local Spatial Development Plan that allows for the installation of PV systems.

II. Conceptual Design Development

The conceptual design is a part of the application required to be submitted to the local energy company to obtain connection conditions for the solar farm. It defines the parameters of the power plant and includes necessary attachments to verify the parameters of the PV system and individual devices (e.g., photovoltaic panels and inverters).

III. Obtaining Connection Conditions

Obtaining connection conditions is a key element of the investment. The application for connection conditions also requires presenting legal title to the land (ownership, lease), development conditions or Local Spatial Development Plan (for micro-installations, often just a municipality’s consent together with a lack of objection from the district office is sufficient), and a reference map.

IV. License

With the legal title to the land and connection conditions, it is necessary to obtain a license for the production of energy from renewable sources. This is granted by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office based on a specially submitted application with attachments. Subsequently, we await a promise, which constitutes a pledge to issue the license.

V. Construction

The main stages of the process are the assembly and installation of the structure, installation of solar panels, installation of inverters, installation and connection of the transformer station, and execution of the medium-voltage connection. Logistics for material and labor supply plays a crucial role.

VI. Obtaining the License

Obtaining the license from the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, registration on the Commodity Exchange (TGE) to trade green certificates, and commissioning and acceptance of the solar power plant by local utility company are the final stages of the investment.

Budowa farm PV, farm fotowoltaicznych - ELQ


Building a photovoltaic power plant involves meeting a range of formal and legal requirements and obtaining numerous official approvals. The investor must be prepared for a laborious documentation process that poses significant challenges and requires knowledge of administrative procedures.

The development and construction of a photovoltaic power plant are divided into several stages and typically take between 12 and approximately 24 months (with the construction and installation work itself lasting around 2 months). For a 1 MW power plant in our climate, an area of about 1.2 hectares is required (the size of the area may vary depending on the technology used). It is also crucial that the site is not covered by the Natura 2000 program.